Here we are in week 6. I can hardly believe it. Where has the time gone? Part of this blog is to write my real opinion and feelings about homeschooling. So how am I feeling?
I feel like I made a pretty good decision. I still have some lingering doubts. I think this is probably normal and a source of inspiration to always do better and try harder. I haven't had any moments of melt down and I haven't cried.
I feel like I have saved Beauty, and maybe myself, from a years long battle fighting a system we just don't belong in for now. Perhaps we have avoided an all too often traveled road of counselors and medication. Perhaps I have jumped to conclusions or maybe I saw the future with a little too much clarity. I don't know.
What I do know is that we are having a time of happiness in our house. Happiness about learning. I'm seeing things that make me proud and my heart swell. I see a little girl who wakes up and voluntarily picks up a school book or works on an art project of her own initiative. The fact that Beauty does this means I'm doing something right. She wouldn't do this if I was overbearing or too controlling. Kids do not voluntarily do things they don't like.
Does Beauty miss school? Yes. The recess part. We have to drive by the school on our way to town. There's usually some kids outside playing. Her feelings don't last long. I remind her the day is only half way over and she's already done all her work. The benefits we have gained in exchange for the 30 minute recess are peace of mind and a classroom with no boundaries. We are usually on the way to a play group or field trip. She doesn't see what I see. Those kids are surrounded by a large fence that looks like prison bars.
I'm also happy because through my researching homeschooling I've been able to help another mom seriously consider homeschooling as a viable option. She's running into some of the same problems we did. Here's a link I gave her to watch: RSA animate: Changing Education Paradigms.
How do I feel about the future? Cautious. I believe we'll continue to have success. I know we are only at the beginning of climbing a very large mountain. It's a mountain I will happily climb.
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