Sunday, October 21, 2012

Books I've Had For 3 Years

I distinctly remember going to Half Price Books and buying a book about home schooling.  When I got home I put it up on a shelf and it sat.  And sat.  And sat.  I pulled the book down last week and also found I had 2 other home school books stashed on the book shelf.  I blew the dust off and coughed and sneezed.  

I am now on page 93.  There's lots of good information and some where I may have dozed off because being immersed in the legislative process does not appeal to me, though I know it's a necessary part of the "machine" of home schooling.  Don't jump on me just yet for calling it a machine.  I'm new, remember?

What bothers me most is the picture.  I'm sure that was a great family photo in 1996, but there's nothing that could scare me away from home schooling more than seeing photos of people who qualify to be the Stepford Wives of home schooling.  

If I home school is that what I'll become?  I don't think I'm alone in fearing that mental image.  Thankfully, every home school mom I know doesn't come close to that image.  With home school's increasing popularity there's quite a few moms and dads from which to gather an opinion of what I'll be like.

                                                         (Google Images)
Here's another picture that some imaginations will associate with home schooling.  A cult-like organization where you get to wear homemade clothes.  So far I only know one home school family that looks similar to this, but only similar not exactly like this.  I have yet to meet the home school co-op, though.  I'm sure this is where any weirdness will be found. 

                                                                      (google images)
Here's a last picture for today.  I think it pretty much sums it all up. Yes we will sleep later.  In public school Beauty has to get up at 6 a.m.  We will be pushing that back to 7:30 a.m.  Beauty will dress in costume if she wants.  She already knows that 1+1=2.  Beauty loves to cook!  Beauty will ride a roller coaster, as her reward for finishing and passing the first grade.  My book shelves don't resemble the picture above, yet.  

I'm still fighting this cold but feeling better.  I'll finish reading the book I listed above and let you know anything pertinent.  I'll introduce 2 websites that will be crucial for this family.  

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