Thursday, February 21, 2013

It's Not A Violin!

A package came in the mail the other day.  I was very nervous.  Mr. Father had said he ordered Beauty a "surprise."  I guess the surprise was on me because instead of getting Beauty a violin, Mr. Father got her a ukulele.  Mr. Father thinks this will be easier to teach her and he did have a terrible time trying to find a violin teacher.  Apparently they are all booked up teaching hundreds of great violin players.  

I don't think I'm out of the woods yet on escaping a violin.  I do appreciate Mr. Father not enrolling Beauty in something I don't think she's ready for.  We'll be taking a field trip later this year and then I think it will be unavoidable.  Why can't she like playing the triangle? 

Beauty wanted to grow Venus Flytraps like some she saw in a movie.  We are trying to grow them from seed but I'm not sure it will work out.  We may have to go buy some actual plants.  So far all I see is just dirt.  It was kind of funny when I opened the seed packet and pretended it was trying to eat me.  Beauty screamed and ran for Mr. Father, "the seeds are eating Momma!"  Ha ha ha, this stuff never gets old.

Our latest livestock.  Two mice.  Yuck!  One is named Mr. Cutie and the other I named Oh-My-God-It's-Climbing-The-Cage-That's-Disgusting.  Beauty really likes them and is proving to be very responsible.  She keeps the cage away from all windows and doors in case the cats look inside the house.  The first thing she does every morning is feed them.  Mr. Father helps her do the rest since I refuse to take part in this rodentfest.  

This is a picture I took at one of the Playscapes we go to.  Wonderful day with lots of kids.

 This weekend we'll be going on an actual homeschool fieldtrip/adventure.  I'm looking forward to stepping into that arena. 
  • This week Beauty learned how to read a clock.  
  • She's moving along quickly in math. 
  • I'm wondering about ordering another handwriting, and writing book because she'll finish them with 12 weeks left to go in her school year.  I don't think I want her to take a 12 week break on this.
  • I estimate that she will finish her school year in July this year.  It is taking a little longer since we started her over in first grade.  
  • I'm already pondering over her curriculum for next year.  Is this normal?  I suspect it is.

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